Freshly minted.

While we can’t show you everything that we’ve been working on due to the confidential nature of our work, we can expose a glimpse of some exciting projects here – and let you know who we’ve been working with. Soon we will be minting something fresh for you.

What we offer.

Creative Direction

If you are a design firm, you may be too busy creating awesomeness for others. If you are an Owner, you may be searching for someone to take charge of an entire project. In either case, I can lead internal or external teams of artists, writers, makers, thinkers and mad scientists to provide the essential creative fuel for your project.

Concept and Beyond

We specialize in High Level Conceptual Design through Schematic Design for Attractions, Exhibits, Retail spaces, Rides, Theming, Show Set Packages and Special Events/Branded Experiences. If you already have a High Level Concept, but are not quite ready to move forward – there’s good news. We also provide Concept Refinement services for projects to help evolve projects into design and construction documentation phases. By refining your Creative approach, and working with fabrication partners, we will ensure your ROI models are optimized and create a set of documents for competitive bidding.

Experiential Master Planning

We offer dimensional, story-driven thinking with operational metrics to communicate how an attraction or experience fits within the space you have available. Embedded within our Master Planning are metrics such as guest capacity, dwell time and throughput.

Creative Liaison (attention fabricators!)

Developers and Owners are interested in Design/Build models to execute their guest experience. Basemint Creative has partnered with fabricators to act as the Creative Liaison between High Level Concept and install, producing Concept Refinement drawings, managing artists, carvers and builders in the shop as well as art directing on-site during install.

Check out who we are working with.